April 2017

NORWAY - Travel Blog

Although the trip was in 2017 the Blog was created in January 2021. A period of time when travel is just not possible.

A trip to the Arctic Circle


I love to travel. I am a Thursday’s child, and I do have far to go!
Once I used to travel through sport, but now I have left the sport behind due to M.E. I travel for fun and photography. One of the people I met through my Sport has remained a friend, despite many years of difference between us—he and his Fiancé, that Hosted me on my first trip to Norway.

This was a country I never thought I would get to, even though it is one of our closest neighbours. I have seen its wonders on film since I was a child. The frozen North with jagged snow-covered mountains and deep Fjords with steep sides. A wonderland for hill walkers, climbers and skiers. I was never that type of person, but to do photography, there would be fantastic. Then one day, that opportunity was opened up to me, and of course, I had to take it.

After flying in over spectacular mountain scenery, I landed at Tromsø Airport. My friends in the arrivals hall met me. I was so emotional at that time I have tears in my eyes typing this now. I could not believe I was in this beautiful place at last. Why had it taken me so long?
To Ian and Marie, you lovely people, thank you so much for inviting me to your home.

The story

The trip, was a trip of two halves. The first, glorious weather, sun, blue sky and even warmth despite being further North than Iceland! The second, snow and rain. Would that stop me taking pictures? No.


The images below are a mix of some of my favourite images and lesser quality images telling the story of that week, just north of the Arctic Circle.


Images from YouTube


Black & White